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Antarctic Trip Bucket List - Check!


February 13, 2013. Welcome    to this week's newsletter, which features a special report on our bucket list trip to Antarctica. We hope you will find it interesting and a guide to your own bucket list quests.
As promised, here is our exclusive report of our bucket list adventure to Antarctica. We've included more information about bucket lists in general, plus photos and links to videos of penguins, whales, and icebergs. Hope it helps in planning your bucket list quests!
Columbia, MO
This charming small town is just north of Richmond. It was originally developed as a resort for the wealthy. The town attracts many tourists for its restaurants and B and Bs - a cute old railroad station is the tourist bureau.
Gainesville, GA
This college town is the home of Oregon State University. The city has a great location in the west-central part of the state, just above Eugene and south of Portland. It boasts 45 parks and great nearby recreation in the mountains and seacoast.
Even though this new article at our sister site,, was written for recent college graduates, the parallels with retirees are quite strong. After all, you are looking for fun, cities are great places for retirees, and you don't necessarily have a lot of money to spend.
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